Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ze, zir, hir, zhim

I simply don't understand the use of gender neutral pronouns like this. I don't have anything against it, I've just never seen or heard anyone actually use them

I copied the table below from Wikipedia just in case people have no idea what i'm talking about. I personally think it would be interesting to hear people use these pronouns in day to day conversation.
Nominative (subject)Objective (object)Possessive determinerPossessive pronounReflexive
Invented pronouns
Ne (pronounced like "me")Ne laughedI called nirNir eyes gleamThat is nirsNe likes nyself
Spivak (old)E laughedI called emEir eyes gleamThat is eirsE likes eirself
Spivak (new)[20]Ey laughedI called emEir eyes gleamThat is eirsEy likes emself
Humanist[21]Hu laughedI called humHus eyes gleamThat is husHu likes humself
HyHy laughedI called hymHys eyes gleamThat is hysHy likes hymself
OtOt laughedI called otOts eyes gleamThat is otsOt likes otself
YtYt laughedI called ytYts eyes gleamThat is ytsYt likes ytself
Thon[22]Thon laughedI called thonThons eyes gleamThat is thonsThon likes thonself
Ve[23]Ve laughedI called verVis eyes gleamThat is visVe likes verself
Xe[24]Xe laughedI called xemXyr eyes gleamThat is xyrsXe likes xemself
Ze (or zie or sie) and zir[25]Ze laughedI called zir/zemZir/Zes eyes gleamThat is zirs/zesZe likes zirself
Ze (or zie or sie) and hir[26]Ze laughedI called hirHir eyes gleamThat is hirsZe likes hirself
Ze and mer[27]Ze laughedI called merZer eyes gleamThat is zersZe likes zemself
Zhe, Zher, Zhim[28]Zhe laughedI called zhimZher eyes gleamThat is zhersZhe likes zhimself
EnEn laughedI called enEns eyes gleamThat is ensEn likes enself
CoCo laughedI called coCo's eyes gleamThat is co'sCo likes coself
PhePhe laughedI called PhePhe′s eyes gleamThat is Phe′sPhe likes Phesself
Per(son)Per laughedI called perpers eyes gleamThat is persPer likes perself


  1. I just call it, "Kacky."..."Kacky says"....u know, yeah.

  2. I go to a college where a lot of people are genderqueer and use "they"/"them" pronouns. I've never heard the other ones though.

  3. I prefer Ze/Zir. I really hate they/them for me. It just sounds so weird.
