Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fuck this

I'm done trying to live by your ignorant standards! This society expects me to live in one binary or the other... you know what I have to say to that? Fuck you.

Fuck you and your ignorance . Fuck you and your trying to make me one of THEM! I love me for me. I am me because I represent myself uniquely. Not because I conform to societies standards.

And YES I know that in order to live in this society comfortably there are those times where I am required to conform and I am not gonna fight against that, but I am done forcing myself to be someone I'm not because YOU think i'm ashamed. I am done fighting myself. I am done fighting.

I promise you that I will live happy. And you know why??? because I love myself for being me! I love myself for who I AM. Not who you think I am or who you try to make me.

"Today I decided to love my self. Sex, gender, and all"
-quoted from

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