Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ze, zir, hir, zhim

I simply don't understand the use of gender neutral pronouns like this. I don't have anything against it, I've just never seen or heard anyone actually use them

I copied the table below from Wikipedia just in case people have no idea what i'm talking about. I personally think it would be interesting to hear people use these pronouns in day to day conversation.
Nominative (subject)Objective (object)Possessive determinerPossessive pronounReflexive
Invented pronouns
Ne (pronounced like "me")Ne laughedI called nirNir eyes gleamThat is nirsNe likes nyself
Spivak (old)E laughedI called emEir eyes gleamThat is eirsE likes eirself
Spivak (new)[20]Ey laughedI called emEir eyes gleamThat is eirsEy likes emself
Humanist[21]Hu laughedI called humHus eyes gleamThat is husHu likes humself
HyHy laughedI called hymHys eyes gleamThat is hysHy likes hymself
OtOt laughedI called otOts eyes gleamThat is otsOt likes otself
YtYt laughedI called ytYts eyes gleamThat is ytsYt likes ytself
Thon[22]Thon laughedI called thonThons eyes gleamThat is thonsThon likes thonself
Ve[23]Ve laughedI called verVis eyes gleamThat is visVe likes verself
Xe[24]Xe laughedI called xemXyr eyes gleamThat is xyrsXe likes xemself
Ze (or zie or sie) and zir[25]Ze laughedI called zir/zemZir/Zes eyes gleamThat is zirs/zesZe likes zirself
Ze (or zie or sie) and hir[26]Ze laughedI called hirHir eyes gleamThat is hirsZe likes hirself
Ze and mer[27]Ze laughedI called merZer eyes gleamThat is zersZe likes zemself
Zhe, Zher, Zhim[28]Zhe laughedI called zhimZher eyes gleamThat is zhersZhe likes zhimself
EnEn laughedI called enEns eyes gleamThat is ensEn likes enself
CoCo laughedI called coCo's eyes gleamThat is co'sCo likes coself
PhePhe laughedI called PhePhe′s eyes gleamThat is Phe′sPhe likes Phesself
Per(son)Per laughedI called perpers eyes gleamThat is persPer likes perself

Monday, March 28, 2011

A poem by my s.o

So my girlfriend that I discussed in one of my other posts put a comment on something. It was a poem she wrote and I absolutely loved it. I thought I'd post it up here. It shows how far she is moving towards her acceptance. I added color since I thought it would emphasize the poem.


Once Upon a time there was a color.
Her name was Blue.
She was sad sometimes.
But a very pretty Cloudy blue.

She met another Color named Yellow.
Bright and sunny!
One day they met.
They Loved each other from the beginning.

But one day yellow got a feeling that
Blue was hiding something.
Secretly.... Blue wanted to be green.
Yellow could not understand why she wanted to
be green! Blue was such a pretty Color, and yellow could not see her as anything other then blue.
But the more yellow blended with blue, the more green came out. Green was confident, green was happy. And if they work together, and supported each other, the more prettier the green became.

In the end, we are all just colors...blue..yellow...green...even red! As long as we love each other, and blend well, it doesn't matter what color you are!!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Filled with Happiness

So an SO(Significant Other) and I have been having some trouble lately and one of the reasons we've been having a lot of trouble is because i'm bigender. But last night she said something that made me so happy. It was the act of her trying to understand me. She said how in her Sexual Psychology class they are studying gender issues right now and she starting asking me questions about my identification. This is probably the first time she's acknowledged my bigender identity as, well, an identity, and not a disorder. This is such a big step for her, and such a big step for us. I hope that she continues to try and understand everything instead of closing herself in a box like she did in the past. And, similarly, I hope to gain understanding of myself instead of enclosing myself with the idea that I cannot change who I am. I can change... i'm not talking changing my gender identity, but changing the negative values for both and either of my identities :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another little update: Disney

So I applied to the Disney College Program in Orlando, Florida. I took the web-based interview, then took the phone interview and everything went ok (i'd say it went excellent but I was so nervous) I got a status pending on the 15th of February and now I'm waiting. This wait is such a drag, so many people got their acceptance envelopes and I haven't gotten a thing. Here's hoping for the best.


It is a thought. A beautiful one to a lot of us, that creates us. A thought of creation. A thought to become a better match. Not to anyone else, but to ourselves. This is my first semester of college, and as most people in college, I have began to explore everything which can create me. Unfortunately, in discovering everything that is better, everything which is not that causes discomfort. Kind of like a drug. I want the best of what I can have. When you know everything that something can be, you want that everything. Only a little isn't sufficient. I've been dealing with dysphoria so much lately. to the point where i almost had a panic attack a couple nights ago. I'm fine now though and it all seems so weird to me. I guess i'm still in the process of figuring everything out which causes me to embrace what I've been missing out on. When i become completely comfortable with my dysphoria is when I am able to present myself as my bio-gender. Usually I feel most comfortable as a male. I swear sometimes I wish I was biomale and presented as female when I called for it. Unfortunately that is the exact opposite of my case. I am so confused as to who I am or how I want to continue living. Right now i'm living day to day with whatever is most comfortable for that particular situation.

Peace and Love to everyone out there. I hope your confusion to whatever your situation may be is less than mine.

I seem to be getting to a point where speaking in my female voice seems to be getting unfamiliar. . Like when you hear a recording of someone and don't recognize the voice. When I look at the mirror and I see a female, I don't see myself, I see someone unfamiliar looking back. I've never been uncomfortable of my female self. Sometimes I don't mind her. Sometimes its ok. But right now, its not. Right now I want to be a guy and that’s it. I want Lesly to go away. I know I'm not transgender FTM to the entire extent. I know that if I was to transition I would regret it when female me decides to reemerge. But there are some times when I just can't take it. There are some times when I just lay here and cry. Why is this so unbearable? And why is it that I feel like no one is here for me? I want to see a gender therapist I do… but for financial(as long as other reasons) I won't be able to until April. I know its not far. We're in March here soon, but time seems to be going so slow. I take a deep breath and deal with this. It's my problem right? Its mine to deal with. I don't really want to get the other people in my life involved with this because I'm afraid I'll push them away. My identifying as bigender has already pushed one of the most important people in my life away a bit. I'm afraid to push her more, and I'm afraid to push everyone else.