Monday, February 7, 2011

Copied from (bigender is...)

Here are some posts from that I feel also accurately explain "bigender"

"Bigender is not transitioning.
Bigender is not absolute certainty of identity (in fact, I think it probably requires less certainty).
Bigender is not HRT.
Bigender is not passing.

Bigender is (to me) knowing that my identity is best expressed through both of the culturally accepted gender constructs (if you want to get all trans warrior about it)
Bigender is a vehicle through which I can feel complete in myself and in my self.
Bigender is two closets full of nothing to wear.
Bigender is analysis paralysis when trying to decide on which presentation is going to make an appearance or resentment when my presentation is a foregone conclusion without my input.
Bigender is not knowing if you should drown your sorrows with your bros at the bar or with your girlfriends over chocolate, wine and tears."


[Bigender] "Is helping to keep the balance, the perfect sound of middle ground. A place to be to find yourself. And when and if a final choice is made to go one way or the other for good, it was reached with the best possible consideration for both sides."

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